Born in 1959.
Artist, painter, musician, landscaper.
Father of two grown up sons.
Resident with his partner near the city of Göttingen.

"With open eyes and an open heart,
looking inwards,
forms and colours disappear,
and start glowing in pure light"

Playing with colours, I let art happen without any intention or interference. It is a creative let- go among other acitivities such as gardening, cooking, making music, living, loving and laughing.

It feels like my heart is absorbing the multitude of impressions life is offering and lets them flow out again through my hands and colours. My aim is to regain harmony in what I create.

While painting, I enjoy, comfort and heal myself. The result are paintings that unfold these effects to the viewer: while letting them in and watching them, they radiate joy, comfort and healing energies.

Paintings to me, are like windows: they are hanging on the walls and, provided they are tasteful, exude a lovely kind of music, an enchanting fragrance. All the senses are touched and so is the heart.

Abstraction allows letting go of mental structures and gives less nourishment to the mind; relaxation and a deep immersion become thus easier.

          SatyamART -
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Bodhi Satyam